SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Lda on DLA Piper

SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Lda. has been a member of the DLA Piper Africa Group since 2014. The DLA Piper Africa Group is an alliance of leading independent law firms in Africa working together in association with DLA Piper across the globe. DLA Piper is one of the world’s largest law firms. Our association with the DLA Piper Africa Group means that we can count on the expertise from all the members of the group both for cross-border transactions and for assignments that are novel in Mozambique but more common abroad.



DLA Piper Africa Group is an established group of leading independent law firms working together across Africa. It is a platform to building strong relationships with sister firms in other jurisdictions, sharing knowledge, training and resources. This enables our firm to leverage its capabilities and offer our clients seamless legal services throughout the region.



DLA worldwide
Being a member of DLA Africa Group gives us a wide window on the world. We meet, train and work with colleagues from every continent. This is a particular boon for our young lawyers and a source of learning and opportunity for our firm.






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